The 33rd Annual International Conference On The Psychology Of The Self

The 33rd Annual International Conference On The Psychology Of The Self Bilgileri

Eğitim Adı : The 33rd Annual International Conference On The Psychology Of The Self
Eğitim Kategorisi : Kongreler » Sağlık / Tıp Kongreleri
Türü : Bireysel
Şehir : Antalya
Yeri : Cornelia Diamond Hotel
Başlama Tarihi : 21/10/2010
Süresi : 3 gün
Ücreti : - TL

Eğitimi Sunan Şirket

Firma : İnterium
İletişim Yetkilisi : Salih Gonca
Firma Web : Firma Web Sayfasına Git

Kurs - Eğitim Detayları

Dear Colleagues,

We are honored to host the IAPSP Annual International Conference on the Psychology of the Self, to be held on October 21-24, 2010 in Antalya, Turkey. The Conference, entitled "Self Psychology Around the World in Theory and in Practice", represents the first time in 33 years that our International Conference of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology is being held outside of North America.

Antalya is well known for its ancient ruins, sun, sea, food and natural beauty. It is located on the Mediterranean coast of Anatolia, the heartland of Turkey.

Situated between the continents of Asia and Europe, Anatolia is an area in Turkey that has served for many years as a bridge between cultures, religions, science, and the regions of East, and West, Across the centuries the works of scientists, philosophers, poets, and thinkers have come from these fabled lands where we will meet.

Our conference hotel is also unique. It contains its own state of the art conference center as well as many delightful vacation activities, all in a beautiful 5 star setting.

My colleagues and I have prepared a wonderful social and scientific program. We look forward to hosting you in Antalya next year.

Sibel Mercan, MD
Sponsorlu Bağlantılar

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