The 10th Rehva World Congress

The 10th Rehva World Congress Bilgileri

Eğitim Adı : The 10th Rehva World Congress
Eğitim Kategorisi : Kongreler » Mühendislik Kongreleri
Türü : Bireysel
Şehir : Antalya
Yeri : Wow Topkapı Palace
Başlama Tarihi : 09/05/2010
Süresi : 3 gün
Ücreti : WOW Hotels - Topkapi Palace TL

Eğitimi Sunan Şirket

Firma : İnterium
İletişim Yetkilisi : Salih Gonca
Firma Web : Firma Web Sayfasına Git

Kurs - Eğitim Detayları


We have the pleasure to welcome you to Clima 2010, the leading international scientific congress in the knowledge domain of HVAC in year 2010.

The 10th REHVA World Congress will offer scientists, industries, building owners, consultants, engineers, architects and policy-makers a platform for the exchange of scientific knowledge and technical solutions.

Invited Speakers

Sustainable Energy Use Related To Efficient Heating and Cooling Systems,
A Manufacturers View Based On The European Tendencies
Martin Dieryckx

Temperature and Humidity Independent Control (THIC) Air-Conditioning System
Yi Jiang
Tsinghua University

Accounting CO2 Emissions for Electricity and District Heat Used in Buildings
Jarek Kurnitski
Helsinki University of Technology

Natural Ventilation, Opportunities and Limits for Improving IEQ
Francis Allard
University of La Rochelle
Sponsorlu Bağlantılar

İlgili Aramalar

muhendislik, kongre, dunya kongresi, makine muhendisligi

Tüm Kurs İlanları

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4th International Meeting On Methodological Issues In Oral Health
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The 10th Rehva World Congress
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Icoı Europe Symposıum
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Bu kurs İnterium tarafından kurs, özel ders, danışmanlık ilanlarını sunan Eğitim ve Kurslar'a 22-12-2009 tarihinde eklendi.